Peer Review Process

All contributions are subject to a blind peer review process. All received manuscripts will be sent to one or more referees. Authors will be notified whether their papers are accepted for publication or not. The authors whose contributions are accepted for publication will be sent the referee form in which is mentioned if revisions are required or if the paper is accepted as it stands. The authors requested to submit revisions for review will send the new versions of their articles to the editor (the deadline for submitting the revised papers will be mentioned by the editor in the correspondence with the author(s)). All submitted work must not have been published elsewhere or be currently under review for any other publication.


  • Relevance of theme/s & originality
  • Argumentative structure & clarity
  • Methodological integrity & use of data (if applicable)
  • Use of literature & theory
  • Language – quality of communication
  • The reviewers will provide a score for each criterion, an overall recommendation, and comments.