Analysis of financial performance of Sector 9 Companies: Trade, Services, and Investment listed on the LQ 45 Index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2022


  • Yosia Yosia Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University
  • Agus Dwi Sasono Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University
  • Sri Indah Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University
  • Popy Indrihastuti Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University



Financial performance analysis, Sector 9 companies, trade, services, investment, LQ 45 index


This study aims to determine and analyze the financial performance of Sector 9 companies: Trade, Services, and Investment, listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2022. This research is quantitative descriptive, focusing on the calculation of data in the form of annual financial reports of manufacturing companies listed  on the IDX. The data used is secondary, consisting of documents obtained from    the official IDX website ( The study results indicate the following: 1) Based on the current ratio or liquidity, the financial performance of the IDX- listed companies in the sample shows good and significant coefficient values; 2) Based on the debt to equity ratio or solvency, the financial performance of the IDX- listed companies in the sample also indicates good and significant coefficient values; 3) Based on profitability, the financial performance of Sector 9 companies: Trade, Services, and Investment listed on the IDX in the sample show very good coefficient values.


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How to Cite

Yosia, Y., Sasono, A. D., Indah, S., & Indrihastuti, P. . (2024). Analysis of financial performance of Sector 9 Companies: Trade, Services, and Investment listed on the LQ 45 Index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2022. Journal of Economics and Business Letters, 4(5), 13–22.
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