
  • Health Economics Insights Journal

    1. Journal Title: Health Economics Insights Journal
    2. Initials: HEIJ
    3. Frequency: -
    4. Online ISSN: -
    5. Print ISSN: -
    6. Editor in Chief: -
    7. DOI: -
    8. Publisher:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime vitae adipisci cupiditate doloribus placeat tenetur? Facilis iusto dolores suscipit animi enim consequatur asperiores odio earum aliquid nam? Molestiae adipisci atque cumque illo tempore porro voluptas, itaque modi. Vitae sunt dignissimos fuga tempore, eius, voluptatum omnis, voluptates repellendus aspernatur necessitatibus dolorem ducimus accusantium earum inventore. Dolores nemo aut quisquam nulla amet et laboriosam aspernatur obcaecati fugiat autem fuga dicta tempora cum sit soluta eum veniam, recusandae quia reprehenderit repudiandae! Explicabo sunt aut possimus doloremque velit. Totam iure perferendis assumenda aut exercitationem fuga qui aperiam dolores nulla, eum quas doloribus, molestiae magni. Obcaecati repudiandae, quibusdam quos similique ratione at assumenda reprehenderit qui consectetur laudantium corrupti aspernatur, illo ipsam perspiciatis ex ut praesentium.

  • Governance and Fraud Journal

    1. Journal Title: Governance and Fraud Journal
    2. Initials: GFJ
    3. Frequency: -
    4. Online ISSN: -
    5. Print ISSN: -
    6. Editor in Chief: -
    7. DOI: -
    8. Publisher:

    Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda, quaerat. Obcaecati consequatur cupiditate ex. Possimus natus quo perferendis iste dicta nobis, praesentium tenetur dolorum, ex non voluptate reiciendis ea doloremque beatae quod impedit est esse rerum totam excepturi? Ut velit magnam eveniet neque blanditiis nemo incidunt, ipsum eligendi harum soluta earum odio dicta voluptates illum, saepe ex vero quaerat ullam architecto praesentium excepturi exercitationem officia. Nesciunt commodi blanditiis quam tempore rem doloremque eius. Quis distinctio ad amet est? Neque sit, maxime voluptatibus dolorem amet, inventore, similique maiores magni impedit tempore veritatis illum ad culpa! Amet rem, soluta error quae quisquam nam? Labore voluptates exercitationem velit modi error qui neque. Doloribus repellat esse officia velit eius magni quam recusandae tenetur omnis.

  • Journal of Islamic Economic Insights

    1. Journal Title: Journal of Islamic Economic Insights
    2. Initials: JIEI
    3. Frequency: Bianually
    4. Online ISSN: -
    5. Print ISSN: -
    6. Editor in Chief: Muhammad Nur Abdi
    7. DOI: 10.55942/jiei
    8. Publisher:

    Journal of Islamic Economic Insights (JIEI) is an open-access, biannual peer-reviewed international journal published by PRIVIETLAB. It aims to serve as a primary platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to disseminate their findings and theoretical developments in the fields of Islamic economics and finance.

  • Accounting and Finance Research Letters

    1. Journal Title: Accounting and Finance Research Letters
    2. Initials: AFRE
    3. Frequency: -
    4. Online ISSN: -
    5. Print ISSN: -
    6. Editor in Chief: -
    7. DOI: -
    8. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    AFRL: Accounting and Finance Research Letters is an open access, monthly  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of Economics and Business related disciplines. AFRL is published twelve a year.

  • Journal of Economics and Business Letters

    1. Journal Title: Journal of Economics and Business Letters
    2. Initials: JEBL
    3. Frequency: Bimonthly
    4. ISSN: Print 2798-8651 and Online 2798-4885
    5. Editor in Chief: Mochammad Fahlevi
    6. DOI: 10.55942
    7. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    JEBL: Journal of Economics and Business Letters is an open access, six-annually  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of Economics and Business related disciplines. JEBL is published six a year.




    2. Initials: PMJ
    3. Frequency: Monthly
    4. Online ISSN: 
    5. Editor in Chief: Mochammad Fahlevi
    6. DOI: 
    7. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    PMJ: Priviet Multidisciplinary Journal is an open access, six-annually  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of Multidisciplinary disciplines. PMJ is published twelve a year 

  • Journal of Research in Construction, Communication, and Commercial

    1. Journal Title: Journal of Research in Construction, Communication, and Commercial
    2. Initials: JRCCC
    3. Frequency: Monthly
    4. Online ISSN: -
    5. Print ISSN: -
    6. Editor in Chief: Prof. Gunawan Tangkilisan
    7. DOI: 10.55942/jrccc
    8. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    JRCCC: Journal of Research in Construction, Communication, and Commercial is an open access, monthly  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of construction, communication, and commercial Sciences. JRCCC is published twelve a year.

  • Journal of Modern Education Research

    1. Journal Title: Journal of Modern Education Research
    2. Initials: JMER
    3. Frequency: Bimonthly
    4. Online ISSN: 
    5. Editor in Chief: Masduki Asbari
    6. DOI: 
    7. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    JMER: Journal of Modern Education Research is an open access, six-annually  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of Economics and Business related disciplines. JMER is published six a year 

  • Journal of Engineering and High Technology

    1. Journal Title: Journal of Engineering and High Technology
    2. Initials: JEHT
    3. Frequency: Bimonthly
    4. Online ISSN: -
    5. Editor in Chief: Agus Purwanto
    6. DOI: 
    7. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    JEHT: Journal of Engineering and High Technology is an open access, six-annually  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of Economics and Business related disciplines. JEHT is published six a year 

  • Priviet Social Sciences Journal

    1. Journal Title: Priviet Social Sciences Journal
    2. Initials: PSSJ
    3. Frequency: Monthly
    4. ISSN: Print 2798-866X and Online 2798-6314
    5. Editor in Chief: Mochammad Fahlevi
    6. DOI: 10.55942/pssj
    7. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    PSSJ: Priviet Social Sciences Journal is an open access, monthly  peer-reviewed  international journal  published by PRIVIETLAB. It provides an avenue to academicians, researchers, managers and others to publish their research work that contributes to the knowledge and theory of Social Sciences. PSSJ is published twelve a year 

  • Central Community Development Journal

    1. Journal Title: Central Community Development Journal
    2. Initials: CCDJ
    3. Frequency: bi-annual
    4. ISSN: Online 3024-8302 & Print 3025-1826
    5. Editor in Chief: Mochammad Fahlevi
    6. DOI: 10.55942/ccdj
    7. Publisher: PRIVIETLAB

    Central Community Development Journal (CCDJ). This journal is published by Privietlab with a strong identity of blending the locally embedded and globally connected wisdom. CCDJ is a bi-annual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community development. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of community development activity. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on action research, implementation of community development policy. The journal is an open access journal and accepting all papers on community engagement from Indonesia and overseas countries.